Valley of the Ten Peaks

I don't know about you but I'm not a big fan of switchbacks. Yes, they make major ascents and descents a lot easier to deal with but the thought of going back and forth, just drives me crazy at times.

The reason I mention this now is that once you start your hike from Lake Moraine towards the Valley of the Ten Peaks and Larch Valley, you'll quickly encounter switchbacks that take you up 360 metres in 2.4 km. After you go back and forth a few times, you'll probably have the same love/hate relationship with them.

But I must admit, the trek is worth it and without them, the hike up to those two incredible trails would be horrendous not only on your body but also on the vegetation and soil.

You'll eventually hit a fork in the trail in which one path leads you to the Valley of the Ten Peaks while the other takes you to Larch Valley. 

I planned on tackling both trails today as the trail report reported limited access on path trails due to the snowy conditions so off I went towards the Valley of the Ten Peaks. My words would not do the scenery justice so I will just include a few photos below for your viewing pleasure.

Eiffel Lake was still a bit frozen

and the trail beyond the lake looked like it was still under a thick blanket of snow so I turned back to check out Larch Valley.

 This is definitely yet another amazing trail that you just have to hike.

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