Peyto Lake

Peyto Lake is a glacier-fed lake in Banff National Park and is consistently ranked as one of the most beautiful lakes in the world so there was never any hesitation about stopping by for a look.

Light flurries started to fall as I approached the lake.  You can't often say that it's snowing in late June!  Some of the tourists weren't as fond of the flurries, and from what I overheard, some people didn't even get out of their tour buses to venture the few metres to the lookout to experience the view!  Hmm, you pay all this money to come to Banff National Park and then you do not even step out of the bus to check out one of the most beautiful lakes in the whole wide world because of a tiny bit of snow falling out of the sky!  Really?!?  Oh well.... more room for the brave souls who ventured out into the snow... lol

Well, this is what they missed...

The skies quickly cleared up but by that time, the tour groups had already left, just in time for the next ones to arrive.

Mike's tip of the day: After viewing the lake from the lookout, say goodbye to the crowds by following the railing to your left... Just past the end of the railing, there's a trail that takes you downhill to a natural and more tranquil lookout point. 

The trail then continues down to the lake if you really want to touch the water.

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