Chilliwack at Dawn

Despite all my efforts to adapt to the local time zone, it is inevitable that my first morning in British Columbia results in waking up extra early.

Oh well, at least I get to walk up to this spectacular view...
I could really get used to living here....

"Nowadays we have reduced the world
to a twentieth of the size it was 100 years ago.
People can rush about frantically through the air.
They certainly do not see the beauties of the world,
and it is surely their responsibility to show that they make it better.
It is a delusion to think that being able
to move rapidly about from place to place
makes people happier or wiser.
As for the advantages of travel, they may be greatly exaggerated.
In order to know anything about a country you must walk through it.
You must sleep on its soil, pluck its foliage with your fingers.
You must light your fires by its fiords and streams,
and watch the dawn break beyond strange mountains."

- Winston Churchill

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