Review of Hotel La Cupula

One travel guidebook recommends "splurging" on a room at Hotel La Cúpula in Copacabana, Bolivia. So we did.  Oh, we certainly did... $36 USD got us a triple room with our own private bathroom.  Yes, you read that right, splurging means dropping only 36 bucks for a private room in a hostel / hotel overlooking the beach.

Except for a loose ventilation unit in the wall, there was nothing to complain about during our stay at La Cupula so I won't write much.  Here are some photos of the hostel's exterior:

and our room (sorry about the mess)...
and the restaurant

A note about the restaurant... be sure to reserve a table for dinner or you might not be able to get in.  The nice thing about this hostel is its large property with its strategically placed hammocks and lawn chairs, and there is even a volleyball court, if you're so inclined to join in on a game with your fellow guests.

Although Copacabana was a bit of a disappointment, Hotel La Cupula definitely was not and it would definitely be worthwhile place to stay for an extra few days if you just want to lie back in a hammock and relax.

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