Arica and the Chilean Pacific

June 11, 2010 (Day 24)

I guess to compensate for our previous freezing cold bus trip, this overnight bus trip to Arica, Chile was extremely hot.  They really cranked up the heat, and I must have dozed off and fallen unconscious for the majority of the 10-hour bus ride.  It was like a sauna in there!

Arriving in Arica at around 6am, we took a taxi to the Arica Surf House, our hostel for the next two nights. Arica is apparently the driest city of Earth, with an average annual precipitation of only 0.76mm.  With that in mind, it shouldn't come as much of a surprise that a significant portion of the hostel does not even have a roof.

but don't worry, we weren't sleeping under the stars..... but how cool would that have been?

Arica is right on the Pacific coast so it was definitely time to hit the beach and relax to the sounds of the crashing waves.

“The sea gives, and the sea takes away.
The sea gave me a great deal,
but fickle as it is,
it tried to steal it back,
and nearly me with it.”

- Kimberly K. Jones

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