Looking for Love

June 15, 2010 (Day 28)

Once again, we had the option of busing or flying to our next destination, and considering a flight to Lima was only $59 USD (+ a few dollars for the airport tax) vs. spending 18-24 hours on a bus, we chose the Peruvian Airlines option, and soon found ourselves in the Peruvian capital. After taking the most expensive taxi ride of our trip (50 Soles) to our hostel in Miraflores, we were given a given ample advice by the hostel's owner, Francis, on what and where to go, see, and eat.  Oh yes, eat. Francis was a big fan of eating and provided many suggestions as to where we can find the best meals in town.  After countless suggestions that could have easily lasted us a couple of weeks' worth of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, Francis outlined on his unique maps of Lima, the areas of the city we should not enter. Ummm.... excuse me Francis, what did you just say? What happens there? You don't want to know, he responded. He marked those areas with big X's and soon we were on our way out of the fortress.
Our hostel, Albergue Miraflores House, was located in the Lima suburb of Miraflores, which is supposedly a safe neighbourhood for tourists and thus is home to many hostels and American chain restaurants.  After lunch, my traveling companions headed for the nearby theatre to watch a movie while I spent the afternoon strolling through the streets of Miraflores and coming across many embassies, consulates, markets, stores, and banks.
Our days of basic South American living were definitely over as we hit the big city. This city had it all... from major movie theatres to 2-storey Pizza Huts and KFC's to ScotiaBanks on what felt like every corner.  If it weren't for the armed bank guards and palm trees, you would think you were in a Canadian city... well, almost.  There was a little thing called Spanish in there as well.
Going back to the guards, the money transporters (ie. the guys in the Brinks' trucks) were walking out of banks with their guns out and ready for anything.  No holster-holding guards here... they were ready to shoot in a split-seconds' notice.  Luckily, I did not encounter any trigger-happy guards, and safely made my way around the city.

After passing Air Canada's Peruvian head office, I found myself searching for love at the Parque del Amor (Love Park), which is nestled on the cliff's edge overlooking the Pacific Ocean.
The park sign self-proclaims itself as  an "Outstanding Park that shows the famous sculpture "El Beso" ("The Kiss") designed and sculpted by the artist Victor Delfin." 

"My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'til then
I walk alone..."
- Green Day

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