Cusco at Night

Although my travels to date have been fairly limited, I have quickly come to the realization that great cities have a split personality, providing one look during the day and another at night.  Cusco is one of those cities as its main square, Plaza de Armas, is lit up at night to provide it with a different look.
Another nice thing about hanging out in the Plaza at night is the limited number of hassling solicitations you receive. I guess the souvenir vendors head home to spend some quality time with their families after hitting their daily quotas.  Of course, you still come across those interested in getting you into their restaurants and bars but it's a lot more bearable and pleasant to walk around the area.
You might also come across some things that you didn't notice during the day or a street vendor that is out and about in the evening to earn some extra income after a hard day's work. 

So while Cusco looks nice during the day, you are definitely missing out on some of its flare unless you head out on the town in the evening to enjoy its sites and local cuisine.


  1. You're pretty good taking pictures at night!

  2. Thanks Olivier. They came out surprisingly pretty well, especially considering I didn't have a tripod.
