South America - Ready or Not, Here We Come!

May 19, 2010 (Day 1) 

The day has finally come! 

The backpack is packed, the vaccines are percolating through my body, and the airplane tickets are in my hand.

After years of planning and things seemingly going off-track on several occasions, I was on my way to South America with get this, not one, but two women. Every guy's dream, right boys!  LOL

After flying into Toronto, Air Canada automatically took care of transferring our luggage so we had more than enough time to grab our last North American meal before catching our ~7.5 hour flight to Lima, Peru.

Everything went smoothly but there was a tiny comical scare when the captain announced that we were heading to Tel Aviv!  He promptly corrected himself but not before we gave each other that shocked look on our faces....

No looking back now.... 4 weeks in 3 countries in climates, altitudes and cultures of varying extremes. South America, here we come

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