Good Night Budapest

Just like Vienna, Budapest illuminates its famous buildings to provide a refreshing look of the city at night. If you're planning on taking photos of the city at sunset, Castle Hill is the place to go.

While snapping photos atop Castle Hill, I was surprised that there weren't many people taking advantage of the warm autumn evening to stroll around Castle Hill so quite honestly, I was a bit worried about the thought of walking back down the pathway through the dark, forested hill by myself. But no worries, I came back safely without any hassles, not even seeing a single person along the pathway, and am able to present these evening photos of Budapest.
Now I must admit that I was disappointed that the Parliament Building was not lit to its full potential so Budapest folks, I hope you're listening, light it up!

There's a lot more I did in Budapest but since time is limited, I'll just summarize by saying that Budapest is a worthwhile visit for a couple of days on your next European trip. In my opinion, the hype surrounding Budapest is a bit over done, as this city is still struggling to find its true identity in its post-Communist era, both physically and emotionally, as it tries to play catch up to the capitalistic world we live in today. The city could also be cleaner as there were several instances in which I wondered how such filthy conditions could be tolerated by its residents.  That being said, I would be interested in going back to Budapest in about ten years' time (or another major economic boom cycle) to see if the rise of Hungary's new generation has made any difference in the city's culture and stature as Budapest can definitely regain its prominence as a world-class tourist city with the right attitude and financial support.

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