So it begins...

First off, welcome to my travel blog!

While I have always dreamed of traveling the world, I always found excuses not to go anywhere too far, be it school, work, finances, not being able to find travel companions, or simply not knowing what opportunities are out there.  Heck, I didn't even know "Round The World" tickets existed until a year ago!

But recently my whole outlook on life changed and I'm now no longer willing to waste my time waiting for the opportune time to come along. Life's too short for that!

Anyways, enough about that.  My intent for this blog is to document my journeys around the world and possibly help my fellow travelers explore the possibilities our planet has to offer so I encourage you to bookmark this site or better yet, subscribe to the RSS Feed to never miss a post.

Please feel free to explore this blog at your leisure.

Thanks for dropping by and please come again!


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