Juan de Fuca Scouting Trip

It was a bright, warm Saturday in early February... what was one to do on Vancouver Island?

A trip up to Mount Washington sounded tempting but my snow gear is still in boxes in the garage.... Ughh, don't want to waste any of my precious weekend in the garage!

So I just got in the car and ended up in Port Renfrew.

What? Port Renfrew? Really? Why would anyone want to go there?

It's about the journey, not the destination...

Judging on the number of surfers out that morning, it must have been a great day for surfing.

And it just happens that the destination was worth it too. Just past Port Renfrew, you'll find Botany Bay

and Botanical Beach

Crashing waves, bright sunshine, new terrain... time just flew by!

On the way back, I started down the road to Sombrio Beach but had to turn back as my little car wasn't really designed to handle such rough conditions so I continued on to China Beach...

This short trip provided a tiny glimpse into the countless possibilities along the Juan de Fuca Strait coast and that doesn't even include Avatar Grove and the Red Creek Fir that I found out about today. 

Can't wait to explore it all!

Yosemite National Park Time Lapse Video

This video of Yosemite National Park is simply spectacular!

Great work Sheldon Neill and Colin Delehanty.